
SDTree - Reforestation 2023

August 15th, 2023



SDTree - Reforestation 2023

August 15th, 2023


The project “SDTree Reforestation 2023” is a collaboration between Sony Device Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd., and the officials of the national park at Chet Sao Noi Waterfall National Park. Together, we are working to plant seedlings on Dong Phayayen Forest, Saraburi

On August 15, 2023, at Chet Sao Noi Waterfall National Park, Ms. Jithaporn Kawiyo, the Environment and Safety Officer, extended a warm welcome to Sony Device Technology employees and officially inaugurated the project. She emphasized that this initiative stands as one of the company’s pivotal undertakings. Sony Device Technology hosts this event annually with the primary goal of foresting awareness about environmental restoration and the preservation of our nation’s precious forest resources.

The head of Chet Sao Noi Waterfall National Park and the staff mentioned that in the past, the area in the Dong Phayayen Forest was once a dry, brown, and barren land due to illegal logging activities. However, in the present day, it has been transformed into lush hills surrounded by majestic rainforest. Furthermore, they also provide knowledge about various suitable plant species for reforestation in the area and advise all staff on the correct methods of planting seedlings and nurturing these precious plants.

Mr. Takashi Masuda, the Managing Director of Sony Device Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd., stated that reforestation not only creates green spaces for our “home,” or our planet, to return to its lush and vibrant state but also represents sustainable benefit. By delivering clean air to the future generations who will continue to inhabit this planet, it is a responsible contribution to society as global citizens.

Sony Device Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd. would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the dedicated personnel from Chet Sao Noi Waterfall National Park who joined with our team in planting various species of tree seedlings in the Dong Phayayen Forest. Together, we are contributing to delivering clean air to our planet. Sony Device Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd. fervently hopes that each and every tree sapling cultivated in this project will grow into a vital, substantial future carbon sink for our nation.

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